Thursday, January 12, 2012


As an Ohio Gun Law Attorney and General Counsel for Ohioans for Concealed Carry I reported on the appalling case of a Canton Police Officer going beyond the Constitutional bounds of his badge back in July of 2011.

Police Officer Daniel Harless had threatened a law abiding concealed carry holder (William Bartlett) with physical violence and execution for no apparent reason (see video below: CAUTION EXTREME AND GRAPHIC LANGUAGE). Not long after Ohioans for Concealed Carry brought the case publicity and began to raise funds for Mr. Bartlett's defense did the City Council President publicly make his anti-gun bias known. Ohioans for Concealed Carry quickly went into action and invited the City Councilman to attend a shooting event with former Ohio Governor Strickland. The City Councilman has since taken a much different tune and we, as gun owners, applaud him for his reasonableness.

Mr. Bartlett's case, however, unbelievably was still prosecuted in the City of Canton while Officer Harless was placed on paid leave pending a disciplinary hearing. At trial the judge dismissed the gun charges against Mr. Bartlett in a clear victory for concealed carry holders across Ohio.

I am pleased to announce that as of this week Officer Harless will no longer be a threat to gun owners' rights here in Ohio. You can read the article here at Ohioans for Concealed Carry and here at Fox 8, Cleveland.