Thursday, December 22, 2011

A History Lesson in Restricting Liberty.

The Hughes Amendment which brought to reality a severe restriction on our 2nd Amendment rights should teach us as gun owners of the reality of the battle we face as U.S. citizens in today's world. As we can see during debate on the bill (video below) our legislature was in complete disarray and such a devastating law that has little if any impact on violence in our country and that has severely restricted our liberties became law. As a Gun Law Attorney it is disheartening to see the path we have taken. This is why my office specializes in defense of our freedoms. If you or someone you know has had their 2A rights stripped away - there may be hope in the form of gun rights restoration. Call today for a consultation.

Monday, December 12, 2011

NRA Banquet!

It is that time of year again - time for the Friends of the NRA Banquet in Columbus, Ohio. The Law Office of Barney DeBrosse, LLC, attends annually and will be sponsoring an event this year. Attorney Derek DeBrosse will also be serving on the committee as a volunteer. Every year the banquet draws large crowds of gun owners willing to support the cause of gun rights through silent auctions, raffles, as well as a live auction. It is a ton of fun and a great place to meet great people. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, December 01, 2011


As of January 1, 2012, The Law Office of Derek A. DeBrosse, LLC will become BARNEY DEBROSSE, LLC. This new law firm will have the unique background to cover a variety of legal issues from Criminal Defense & Gun Rights to Divorce, Dissolution and Business Matters. BARNEY DEBROSSE, LLC will have a unique focus on representing clients with specific firearms issues. In the coming days a new website is to be launched with great information about who the Firm is and what the Firm does. We are confident that this change will only further secure the trust that clientele have placed in The Law Office of Derek A. DeBrosse as the Firm will now be able to broaden its range of representation. Please call today to schedule a consultation regarding any legal matter you may be having!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Canton Case Victory!

Today William Bartlett's attorney did gun rights attorney's across the state proud. The case has been eyed closely by 2nd Amendment groups across the nation and has drawn nearly 1 million views on youtube (video below). Mr. Bartlett was accused of failing to notify a law enforcement officer that he was armed and a CHL holder. The evidence (see below) clearly shows otherwise and also shows why the law needs to be changed. Today a Criminal Rule 29 motion was made and granted at the close of evidence. The decision was so clearly obvious that the court simply dismissed the charges against Mr. Bartlett. It is wholly unacceptable that our elected officials are prosecuting people under such circumstances. It is imperative that concealed carry holders understand their rights as licensees and that they know a qualified gun attorney in case the need may ever arise.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Gun Laws and Divorce Proceedings

It is essential that gun owners ensure their rights are protected through various phases of life - this is especially true in divorce and custody proceedings. As an Ohio Gun Lawyer I experience clients with substantial gun related issues that occur during divorce and custody proceedings. Whether it be defense in domestic violence charges or ensuring one's rights are not denied in divorce decrees the opportunity for unknowingly losing one's 2A rights is high. Call an experienced Gun Lawyer today if you are proceeding in the area of divorce, dissolution or custody law.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

New Laws Now in Effect!

As of September 30, 2011, the much anticipated "Restaurant Carry" law took effect here in the state of Ohio. Now citizens who have underwent the proper training and have procured their concealed handgun license ("CHL") may now carry into an establishment that serves alcohol for consumption on premises as long as they too are not consuming alcohol or are intoxicated. In conjunction with this new law the State Legislature has also passed laws that took effect the same day making vehicle carry more user friendly as well as a law that now makes firearm rights restoration laws in Ohio more in tune with Federal law. As an Ohio gun rights lawyer my office is ready to advise clients on issues dealing with these changes in Ohio. Call today for more information!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

No more M9 for the Military!

Having served 6 years with the Army I was always frustrated and amazed at the devotion the military seemingly had for the Beretta M9 handgun. I never liked the M9 - from the first time I ever shot one I thought it was an inferior weapon. I was once told that the reason why we ever went to the M9 was to ensure that Italy would allow the US Military to maintain a base in their country (The M9 being manufactured in Italy).

As I was reading through yet another fantastic issue of Army Times today the headline reads "Army dumping M9". All I have to say is it is about time. My suggestion for the army is to go to the Glock .40 cal model 23. It is a far superior weapon in all respects.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New Website

The Law Office of Derek A. DeBrosse, LLC is going live with its new website Monday August 29th! The new website has been in the works for several months now and will feature fully integrated social networking and blogging as well as much more content with a strong emphasis on firearms law. Stay Tuned!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gun Rights Attorney Derek DeBrosse on NRA NEWS!


On July 25, 2011, Canton City Council President Allen Schulman went on a tirade about the public outcry against the civil rights violations that recently occurred as a result of Canton Police Officer Daniel Harless' actions with concealed carry holder William Bartlett. Schulman clearly has no resepct for our civil rights and blames the incident on the fact that a law abiding citizen wanted to ensure he was protected. Ohioans For Concealed Carry has called for both Officer Harless and President Schulman's resignation. The ramblings can be listened to here.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Canton PD proves the point of the problem with "promptly" notifying.

There is currently a case arising out of Canton Ohio that has gun rights advocates angered. From what can be seen on the video it appears the Canton PD has violated the victim's Constitutional rights on many levels. As an Ohio Criminal Defense Attorney and Gun Lawyer this case is extremely disturbing to me. The Police Dash Cam Video can be viewed here: Canton Dash Cam Video.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Derek DeBrosse to be Regular Guest on Gun Talk Radio Show!

Ohio Gun Law Attorney, Derek A. DeBrosse, has made a few appearances this past year on Trigger Time with Joe which is broadcast from 55KRC in Cincinnati. Recently an invitation was offered to appear more regularly and it appears Derek will be making a bi-weekly appearance if not more often on the show. The next show is tonight at 7pm and can be tuned into live at 55KRC. The show is an hour long radio talk spot that is broadcast every Sunday evening at 7pm.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Restaurant Carry Passes!

On Thursday, June 30, 2011, Governor Kasich signed into law SB17 & HB54. Derek DeBrosse, Esq. was present at the signing ceremony as General Counsel for Ohioans for Concealed Carry. These bills are a huge achievement for the gun rights community in the State of Ohio. Now citizens will be able to protect themselves in establishments that serve alcohol. The bills also simplified motor vehicle carry doing away with some of the most restrictive criminal offenses regarding vehicle carry in the country. As an Ohio gun attorney the recent changes in the law have a special impact on many of my clients as they also restore law abiding citizens to their 2nd Amendment rights who may have lost those rights for minor criminal offenses. This is a huge step forward for the state of Ohio and the protection of these very important rights does not stop here - stay tuned for further goals an initiatives by organizations such as the NRA and Ohioans for Concealed Carry.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Derek DeBrosse on NRA News!

Gun Rights attorney Derek A. DeBrosse will be a guest speaker on the Cam Edwards show as part of NRA News this evening at 10:40pm. You can tune in to listen at NRA NEWS. He will be discussing the recent changes to Ohio law regarding restoration of rights and restaurant carry.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Restaurant Carry and Restoration Bills Pass!

Restaurant Carry and Restoration of Rights have been on the minds of Ohio Gun Owners for these past few years with much anticipation. Today it appears victory is near. As an Ohio Gun Attorney this has been an extremely personal goal for myself and my practice. Both bills have successfully passed the Ohio House and Senate and are on their way to Governor Kasich's office. For all concerned firearm owners a call to the Governor would assist in seeing that he signs these bills. His contact number is 614.466.3555.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

The Importance of Knowing the Law.

As an Ohio Gun Law Attorney I make it my business to know and understand gun law. It is of the utmost importance that gun owners are well apprised of the various gun laws. There are many pitfalls that present legal risk to gun owners - risk not of intentionally committing a criminal act but rather risk of UNINTENTIONALLY committing a criminal act. It is essential that if you are not comfortable with gun law at both the state and federal level that you obtain competent legal counsel immediately.

For instance there are many lesser known or ambiguous laws in the state of Ohio alone. My office is routinely assisting clients who have been convicted of petty drug offenses defend their 2nd Amendment rights. Under Ohio law anyone convicted of ANY crime involving a drug of abuse may not possess firearms - even if it was possession of a small amount of marijuana when they were in their teens. Another example is that under Ohio law if a firearm is lost or stolen from your custody you MUST report it to law enforcement personnel.

Because of the complexity of the law my office has dedicated itself to the understanding of these pitfalls and ambiguities. If you are a gun owner and have yet to retain competent legal counsel - call today for a free consultation.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Public Comments Needed.

A fast approaching deadline is nearing on a potential BATFE shotgun ban. All concerned gun owners should make public comments by the deadline which is May 1, 2011. Guntustlawyer has posted about this issue previously as well as the NRA. As an Ohio Gun Lawyer I am encouraging all gun owners to take this matter seriously.

A working group within the BATFE has recommended shotguns with certain features be banned from importation. There is no logic to such a ban and it is imperative that we, as gun owners, make our voice heard. More information can be found from the NRA or the BATFE.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Double Check!

With more and more gun regulation being passed every year it is more prudent than ever that gun owners have an attorney available who understands the nuances and pitfalls of not only state but also federal law. My office has extensive experience as to where and how one may carry a firearm and under under what circumstances they may carry. For instance my office is routinely asked whether a hunter may carry while hunting. For hunters with a valid concealed carry license they may in fact carry legally. Armed with incorrect information a gun owner may be unknowingly placing their rights in jeopardy. Call today to discuss affordable retainer options.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Having a Gun Attorney Ready at Hand.

As an Ohio Gun Lawyer I routinely have clients request to place me on retainer. This is good advice coming from one who also serves as a Certified Firearms Instructor. I routinely tell my students to be sure they meet with a local attorney to establish a relationship in the event one is ever needed - now is the time to do so not when you are sitting in jail. Whether or not a retainer is necessary is ultimately up to the client. My office regularly offers a yearly retainer service at a very reasonable price. These types of retainers bring with them added benefits such as 24/7 access to the attorney and a priority status when scheduling for legal needs. If you are a Concealed License Holder in need of establishing an attorney client relationship my office is available for a free 30 minute consultation. Call today to schedule a meeting.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Restaurant Carry Revived!

As a Columbus Gun Rights Attorney and as General Counsel to Ohioans for Concealed Carry I have had the pleasure to work alongside organizations such as the NRA in pursuing the issue of Restaurant Carry. Recently HB45, sponsored by Representatives Bubp and Johnson along with 28 co-sponsors, was introduced into the Ohio House of Representatives. If approved the rights of Ohio gun owners will expand dramatically allowing for patrons of Restaurants to defend themselves while dining in places that serve alcohol. For more information on the status of bills such as this please call for a free consultation.